This is a unqiue piercing at the top front of the ear. The good thing is that it doesn’t hurt much when you create a hole on this part of the ear and the healing time is also faster. So the pain level should be 2/5. Set pharetra neque consequat a. Mauris lobortis nunc amassa
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop vision races toward first public test
euis in sem tincidunt, mattis dolor porta dui. Maecenas cequat orci et diam vulputa vitae asnulla rutrum. Nunc gravida mauris vel estas imperdiet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, csectetur adipiscing elit. Integer quis erat tortor. Curabitur nulla arcu, mattis a tortor non, porta blandit mauris. Fusce lobortis malesuada rhoncus. Nam non pharetra metus. Praesent nulla